In this video, Angela speaks at the 2018 NASPA Annual Conference on her experience going From Foster Care to College: Finding a Family on Campus. She shares recommendations for how higher education and student affairs practitioners can improve support for students with experience in foster care and closes with a poem she wrote on the complexities of foster care experience.
Meet the Foster Scholars
June 2020
In this webinar, Angela along with four other Foster Scholars, share about their research and scholarship, and the purpose of the Foster Scholars Community they developed. They reflect on their lived experience in foster care and offer advise for those seeking to be an ally or partner with students with experience in foster care.
What does Juneteenth mean to me?
June 2020
In this blog post written for ACPA — College Student Educators International, Angela reflects on the history of Juneteenth, why it should be a national holiday, and what the day means to her personally.
"For me, Juneteenth is a day to reflect on our nation's history, a day to celebrate Black lives, a day to acknowledge, remember, learn, and take action - just as we have a responsibility to do everyday." - Angela Hoffman-Cooper
May 23, 2018
The Trouble With Where I'm From
In this blog post written for the NASPA Socioeconomic and Class Issues Knowledge Community, Angela describes the impact of asking someone where they're from when considering socioeconomic and class issues. Further, Angela shares her personal challenge in answering questions about her hometown as the result of frequent moves and experience in foster care.
May 23, 2018
What Can Be Learned About Research
In this blog post written for the NASPA Center for Women, Angela reflects on her journey through doctoral studies. She discusses the importance of understanding self (examining positionality) and engaging community (doing we-search) while doing research.
May 23, 2018
From Foster Care to College
From Foster Care to College: The Role of Student Affairs Practitioners in Addressing the Challenges Foster Youth Face in Accessing Higher Education is Angela's integrative capstone paper and poster presentation for the Educational Leadership and Policy MEd program at the University of Utah. Angela received pass with distinction on the paper, a rare accolade for master's graduates.
June 12, 2011
Former foster care youths share keys to success
This article in The Midland Daily News documents advice given by Angela and a panel of students with experience in foster care to youth in foster care and foster parents on supporting youth in the transition out of foster care and to college.

June 12, 2011
Making lemonade: Orphan graduate beats the odds
In this article printed in The Daily Mining Gazette, Angela reflected on her experience in foster care, aging out of foster care, and graduating from college during the interview. The article won a 2012 Upper Michigan Good News Award.
June 12, 2011
Students help out for MLK Day in Houghton schools
In this article printed in The Daily Mining Gazette, Angela offered reflections on the Martin Luther King Jr. Day partnership between Michigan Technological University and local schools in which students, faculty, and staff volunteer to read books about Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to elementary students.
I Am From
By Angela Hoffman
I am from temporary homes.
I am from trailer parks and bottles wrapped in paper bags.
Yet somehow I’m also from landscaped suburbia and children at play.
I am from “it’s because of you” and “you did this to me.”
My mother would yell, “You’re a lesbo, you’re a slut, and you’re a son of a B.”
I am from physical illness and diseases of the mind.
Just hide your scars and pretend everything is fine.
I am from “make it look good” and say you love me.”
How I really feel is that “ I need to get out of here and I need to be free.”
I am from “tough times don’t last and tough people do.”
And count yourself lucky, ‘cause unlike some, you made it through.
I am from many families.
I am from Brandle, Wilson, Cooper, and Urbani.
The places I’ve found love, connection, and belonging are truly uncanny.
I am from bloodlines and names I’ll never take.
Friendships, loves, and mentors I’ll never forsake.
I am from a degree changes everything and you are what you achieve.
Fueling my B.S., cum laude, M.Ed. and one day I’ll be a doctor I believe.
I am from Keurig Coffee, iPhone, and iMac.
Just keep going, get through it all, there’s no time to look back.
I am from independence, achievement, and persistence.
Masking the impatience, distrust, and “you better keep your distance.”
I am from desire for competence and a sense of authenticity.
Which has me thinking what does it mean to be me and live life with vulnerability.